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at 2004-11-30 around 9:10 a.m.

Please allow me to tell you a little something about sleep deprivation. The first day or so, you�ll feel a bit punchy, a bit sleepy, but nothing that a cup of coffee won�t cure. The few days after that, you may find yourself staring into space or stirring the sugar into your coffee for fifteen straight minutes. Any time after that, you may begin to hallucinate, hear voices, or laugh uncontrollably until you cry. You may try to eat your pencil because you think it is your yogurt. You may forget that you hate yogurt and bring it to work for breakfast, and then be forced to eat it because you are hungry. That is sleep deprivation.

Nickolas has been having nightmares. Not just little, wake up and whimper for Mommy nightmares. We�re talking screaming bloody fucking murder (and this kid can scream, I have been told I have the loudest children in the world) for hours on end nightmares. Cannot be comforted nightmares. Nightmares that have kept me up all night for almost a week. He doesn�t seem to wake up, he just thrashes around and screams and screams and then goes limp for a few minutes, long enough for me to crawl back to my bed and collapse until he starts up again, mere minutes later. At first I thought it was the cold medicine, but now I don�t think so. I didn�t give him anything at all last night except the ice water he always brings to bed with him (Three ice cubes, Mommy. Three.) and still. Nightmares, all night. I am going to spend a good part of my day looking online for advice because everyone I have talked to at work has something different to say. Wake him up, don�t wake him up, pick him up and bring him into your bed (yeah right), don�t touch him�I need to figure out something because I really hate yogurt, and I just had to eat it. With a pencil.

But now that I read Serena�s entry, I�m even hungrier, and I plan to make that lasagna for dinner tonight. If I can stay awake long enough.

If anyone has had to deal with kids this young (23 months) having nightmares like this, please, please, please tell me what helps. I feel so bad for him, and I need some sleep.

Kids are: Carol of the Bells. Oh goody, this is the station that does all Xmess music. I'm ecstatic.

Last person who pissed me off: The penguin that stole my coffee.

Heard in my house: "I just went pee in my pants, Mommy. Can I have just half a sticker?"

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