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at 2007-01-12 around 9:55 a.m.

Good, I'm not the only one who got a serial rapist vibe from the maintenance man. I believe I forgot to mention that every five minutes or so he set of his own car alarm and then laughed. How do people like this get a job in the first place, much less hang on to one? (Wow, I just spelled "one" with a w. I'm so tired.)

I'm not sure why it is, but every morning that I have to hand the boys over to Nick, I have a really hard time getting out of bed. I look forward to the time off, no doubt about that (although work has this sixth sense about when I will and will not have my children and schedules me for shit hours to ruin it when I don't) but it makes me so sad to do it. I don't feel bad about what I'm doing to Nick so much, because fuck, look what he's done to me in the past. But it does kill me to do this to the boys. They seem to be dealing rather well so far, but how do I know what's going on in their heads? I don't have much of an idea what they're going through either; my parents are still married. (Well, there was that weird period in about 1992 when my mom went and lived with her "friend" but that was resolved. And I never did figure out what to think about that.) (I'm very parenthetical today.) (Sorry.)

But anyway, I will be kid-free this weekend and Paul and I are going to actually go out for dinner tomorrow night. Probably with his ex-roommate and my babysitter. That was one accidental matchmaking experience that has worked out well. But now I have to go let out the fucking dog (yes it's back grrrrrrrrrr) because if it keeps whining I'm going to kill it. Like there weren't enough things in my house to whine at me.

Kids are: Having a police car race.

Last person who pissed me off: Neighbors for watching TV at full volume at two this morning.

Heard in my house: Pretty much "Vrooooooom crash weeeeeeeooooooweeeeeooooo"

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Miss Anything?

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I said I'd update again, but I didn't promise substance - 2007-06-04
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the short version - 2007-05-30
title this - 2007-04-14

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